Portland State University: Interface Design

Adjunct Professor
School of Art & Design
Portland State University, 2015 — 2017

In the fall of 2015, I began teaching as an adjunct professor in the School of Art & Design at Portland State University.

My class, Interface Design, was a studio class that introduces user experience design and interaction design to junior and senior-level graphic design students.

Building a Foundation

Because there is so much to cover in 10 weeks, I think it’s important to make a promise to my students on the first day of class. Even though the content of the class is extremely difficult, the goals of Art 441 are pretty simple:

Experience what it’s like working as an interactive designer.
Expose students to the different roles within interactive design.
Create a portfolio piece that shows more complex interactive design.
Go well beyond a “re-skin” of something that already exists.
Build up your interactive design vocabulary.
Get real feedback from industry professionals.

Lecture Slides / Out of Context ↓

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For most students, this was their first time working under a user-centered-design process, their first time creating user-flows, and their first time designing a mobile application.

Student Projects ↓

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Student Feedback:

“This was the most well taught course I have ever taken. Matt has been the best professor I have ever had. He created the most welcoming and yet challenging classroom atmosphere. He also came very prepared for class each day. His presentations wer engaging and very informative. This was a new realm for me and most of my peers and yet Matt was able to cover a lot of information very well. I wish all of the classes were structured similarly.”
“Instructor, Matthew Noe was the best! Great examples of industry experience and how process/projects relate to professional work, great presentations, very helpful in crits and feedback, and pushed students. The nicest presented syllabus that I have received. Class expectations were clear, but allowed for a lot of exploration. Great class. I enjoyed it, learned a lot, and feel better prepared for industry.”
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Portland State University: Interface Design